IPv6 with gogoc

My OS is ubuntu 10.10. I use APT for installing ipv6 related package.
#apt-get install gogoc

anonymous setting
use root privilege
#vi /etc/gogoc/gogoc.conf

replace these properties in gogoc.conf


do service start
#service gogoc start

It appear “no server key” exception after start.
Please follow below steps.

1. kill gogoc process.
#ps aux|grep gogoc; kill -9 (gogoc_pid)

2. run gogoc as a foreground process.
#/usr/sbin/gogoc -n

3. *** after executing “gogoc -n”, system will return prompt of access key.
Please type ‘Y’ to accept.

4. Waiting few seconds for accepting key. Then type Ctrl + c and terminate process.

5. Normally start gogoc.
#service gogoc start

6. Typing ‘ifconfig’ and checking new network interface ‘tun’.

Testing IPv6 Work.
Please visit http://ipv6.google.com or http://test-ipv6.com/

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